The figurative, the mystical and the revolutionary – Works in the Treger Saint Silvester Collection
31 may 2014 — 26 april 2015Curator Richard Treger e António Saint Silvestre
Centro de Arte Oliva

The exhibition Figurativos, místicos e revolucionários – Obras da Coleção Treger Saint Silvestre is an exhibition project by the collector and was based on the fusion of artworks between the ‘figurative revolutions’, fantastic art and voodoo art – universes that make up the art brut collection on loan at Núcleo de Arte da Oliva. The metamorphosis of images in this show appeals to a multiplicity of dimensions in which the viewers perception is perturbed by parallel worlds filled with imaginary creatures, the oneiric and magic as well as the ancestral and ritualistic practices of the voodoo religion and cult. The exhibition features artwork by artists from several countries.
Artists Abraham Hadad, Agnès Baillon, Alain Lacoste, António Saint Silvestre, Antonio Seguí, Armand Avril, Bernard Rancillac, Blalla W. Hallmann, Camille-Jean Nasson, Carolein Smit, Chan Kai-Yuen, Chris Hipkiss, Dado (Miodrag Djuric), Dexter Nyamainasche, Eduardo Zamora, Entang Wiharso, Eric Liot, Erró (Guðmundur Guðmundsson), Eudes Menichetti, Eva Alves, Franck K. Lundangi, François Burland, François Monchâtre, Fred Deux, Gabriel Bien-Aimé, Hans Verschoor, Hervé Loïc, Hugo Carrillo, Igor Andreev, Isabelle Jarousse, Jean Duranel, Jean-Claude Silbermann, Jean-Jules Chasse-Pot, Jean-Pierre Nadau, Jim Delarge, Joël Lorand, Joël Mpah Dooh, John Sylvestre, John Whipple, Jonas Balan, Josette Rispal, Julien Perrier, Karine Rougier, La Mère François, Laurence Favory, Lionel Saint Eloi, Loïc Lucas, Louis Pons, Luo Brothers, Marc Giai-Miniet, Mário Chichorro, Marlise Keith, Martine Orsoni, Maryan, Michel Gouéry, Michel Macréau, Mirabelle Dors, Miron Kiropol, Mónica Machado, Mozart Guerra, Olivia Stephan, Paul Amar, Peter Keene, Peter Saul, Petra Werlé, Philippe Dereux, Pierre Dessons, Poteau Dieudonné, Reinaldo Eckenberger, René Bértholo, Robert Combas, Sabrina Gruss, Sam Nhlengethwa, Sarah Moon, Serge Jolimeau, Stiina Saaristo, Tom Duncan, Valerio Adami, Victor Ulloa, Vitalis Čepkauskas, Winston Cajuste e Xurxo Oro Claro.